

Page Management

The Page Manager provides all the features to create and write page content for your website and build your site menu. This admin page also provides various other functions like adding your banner sliders to pages, assigning a writer to a pages and setting the accessibility of pages not currently active on the menu.

Also see: Managing the Site's Menu

Help document imageTop section view of active menu pages.

There are a few things to notice on the graphic above. Any item that is currently live on your website will be indicated by a green bar. These active menu items are listed in the order that they appear on the menu. Notice also that section headings will be shown as colored blocks under the "Page Name" column.

  1. To add a new page to your site, click on the Add New Page button. Anytime that you want to rename that page, click on the Rename Page button next to the page. Some page names cannot be edited.
  2. To write content to a page, click on the Edit Page Content button next to the page that you want to edit.
  3. To manage your entire site's menu, click on Manage the Site's Menu.
  4. Use the Choose a Page Banner column to assign a banner slider to the page. Banner sliders are created on another tool referred to as Page Banners.
  5. If your account has any admins that have the writer role, you can assign those writers to their pages under the "Assign Writers" column.
  6. On the rightmost side of the page there is a Delete button for removing a page from the site. Note, only pages not currently appearing on the site menu can be removed (pages that carry the yellow or red status as shown on the image below).

Help document imageLower section view of pages not active on the menu.

Lower on the page, you will find pages that are not currently shown on your site's menu. These will be listed in alphabetical order. You will find the same features as the above items, except for one additional item. These pages are indicated by a yellow bar id they can be linked to, and a red bar if they are to remain completely hidden. Not all site pages have to be shown on the menu. Many pages can be linked to from another page and viewed even if the page is not currently live on a menu. While other pages may be undergoing a revision, so a writer may want those pages completely hidden. Remember, even though a page cannot viewed through your public site, it can still be viewed and edited through your admin area. To change you page's status from yellow to red back to yellow, use the "Show" and "hide" buttons.