
Fulfillment Policy

Refund Policy

We offer full refunds on all products within 30 days, a prorated partial refund from 30 to 60 days and no refund after 60 days of renewal or purchase date.

Delivery Policy

As a digital service company, we will provide the online subscription product within 2 business days from the order for a new subscription. For a renewal order we will renew the expiration date for the service within 1 day.

Return Policy

We sell a digital subscription service and no returns can be made. However, the service can be cancelled and in some circumstances we offer refunds. Refunds are as indicated under our Refund Policy.

Cancellation Policy

Customer may cancel their subscription at any time. Refunds are as indicated under our Refund Policy.

Contact Us

For enquiries or comments regarding this Policy, please reach out to us through our Contact page.