

Post Information

The post information section is located at the top portion of Admin Area main page.

Post and Template Administration

Under the Post Information section, you can use the updater to give a name to your Legionsite. This name appears in your site's title header as well as in the footer of the site. The address will appear in the footer of the site. The only required component of the address in the State information.

There are edit buttons to save your Post's name and location, choose your template and branding preference, and also enable and configure your membership application.

Help document imagePost, Template and Application administration

Help document imagePost information administration

Membership Application

The membership application is a form that can be used on your website that allows a person to apply for membership with your Post. To enable it, use the form found in the post information section to configure the needed items to enable it.

Help document imageMembership application form

Help document imageMembership application administration