

Legionsite Admin Area

Welcome to your Legionsite Admin Area. Within this area you will have the tools to manage the content on your Legionsite website.

Help document imageLegionsite's account and global site administration

  1. The menu row provides links to all the admin pages. This row also provide a link to these help pages.
  2. The account row will show the Post's web address domain and Legionsite subscription expiration.
  3. The Post information section allows you to set a name for your Post as well as its location.
  4. The Post Information section also contains the configuration for the look and feel for your site. You can set a template type, choose your branding logo, select a theme and choose the type of web address links used by your site.
  5. Your accounts contacts can be added here. Contacts can be the site admin's along with other Post members that we may need to correspond with.
  6. Some contacts can be assigned admin roles to administrate the site. These roles can be assigned at this section.
  7. If your Post decides to use the membership application it can be enabled after configuring the settings.
  8. The bottom row contains contact information for Legionsites support, help section and subscription page.

Help document imageLegionsite's administration tools

The bottom section of the Admin Home Page contains links to the various administration pages. They are the same links found in the top menu of the Admin Area.

  • Pages & Menu - Create page content and build your site's menu.
  • Post Events - Schedule calendar events for your Post.
  • Photo Galleries - Create galleries and upload photos.
  • Page Banners - Create custom banner sliders to use on site pages.
  • File Manager - Manage files used on your site.
  • Resource Rentals - Under consideration at the moment for a redesign.
  • Private Files - A password protected folder used to distribute Post documents.
  • Advanced Tools - Add Google Analytics and meta information to your site.